Friday, September 07, 2007

Upcoming filmmaker

One of these days this blog will be recognized for the awesomeness of its writing and of its frequenters.

There's a movie on his website that he's never told me about and that, to my knowledge, hasn't been shown to many of his friends. I'm sure other people have seen it, but there's been no discussion or recognition that I know of and it's really good. Anyway, his name's Thirdmango and there are two movies here. My Brother Aaron is simply some amazing keyboarding skills, and God Hates Me is the beautiful little gem that gives me hope that he'll be making quality film someday. That's him with the big hair. Make sure to watch until the end. The site's a little slow--man, who'd you get your hosting with, Jon?

So, I'd forgotten about this movie until one day I was listening to a random CD of Muschie's. The Full House theme song came on and all of the sudden I thought of this movie, and it was a very funny, private moment for me. I don't want it to be private, so I thought I'd tell you how funny it was, TM.

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